Bill Maher Backs Gavin Newsom to Replace Biden

[Photo Credit: By Government of California -, Public Domain,]

In a scathing New York Times editorial on Tuesday, comedian Bill Maher demanded that President Joe Biden resign and that the Democratic National Convention (DNC) explore other candidates for the next election via an open convention.

For his own part Maher expressed his partiality toward California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Maher contended that voters were “bored” in the piece, which was released online on Monday and on the front page of the international edition on Tuesday.

“If our presidential politics were a TV show, it would be a series past its prime in desperate need of new characters.” Maher wrote.

“Let’s move the plotline forward. Democrats could not buy, with all of George Soros’s money, the enthusiasm, engagement, and interest they would get from having an open convention.” he continued.

Maher, contrasting Biden, wrote of Newsom:

“He is forceful, is never at a loss for words or stats, never stumbles, is never intimidated. He’s unbullyable, and that’s important against Mr. Trump. People are attracted to what looks like strength, much more than specific policies. And he looks great on TV.” Maher remarked.

“The electorate in this country is not particularly fond of studying up on the issues; a lot of the disappointment they feel in Mr. Biden stems from the fact that they just don’t have the facts. But what Americans are big on is: Screw it. Let’s give that new thing a try. How much worse could it be?” Maher concluded.

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