Trump Backed Candidate Loses Primary Race to Fill Mitt Romney’s Senate Seat in Utah

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In a competitive Republican primary contest, U.S. Representative John Curtis, R-Utah, won tonight, clinching the nomination for Utah’s open U.S. Senate seat and positioning himself to succeed outgoing Senator Mitt Romney.

Curtis’ victory comes against a tight field that included competitors such as Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs, who had a strong endorsement from former President Donald Trump, and former Utah House Speaker Brad Wilson, who campaigned with Utah Governor Spencer Cox’s support.

Curtis, recognized for his moderate conservatism and proactive stance on climate change, ran on a platform of unity and pragmatic administration.

His success demonstrates Utah Republicans’ preference for a candidate who combines traditional conservative ideals with an innovative program.

The primary campaign exposed profound splits inside the Utah GOP, mirroring larger arguments about the party’s direction and relationship with Trump.

Curtis’ ability to appeal to a wide range of voters—from hard-core conservatives to independents—was critical to his victory.

Looking ahead, Curtis will face Democratic nominee Caroline Gleich in the general election.

Gleich is a well-known environmental campaigner and mountaineer.

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