Elizabeth Warren Demands Citizenship for All Illegals

[Photo Credit: By Pi.1415926535 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=116804238]

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) stated over the weekend that Democrats support a “pathway to citizenship” for the millions of illegal aliens who have entered the United States.

“We need a pathway to citizenship for people who are here, for spouses, for dreamers, for essential workers, for people who serve in our military, for people who come to school here and want to help make this a stronger country,” Warren proclaimed.

Warren made the statements during a Sunday ABC News “This Week” interview with Martha Raddatz, when asked about President Joe Biden’s failures on immigration and border security.

Warren blamed Republicans for the catastrophe that Biden created on the US southern border when he took office and overturned all of former President Donald Trump’s border policy.

Raddatz compared the amount of illegal aliens that entered the United States under Biden, which some estimates put at more than ten million, to the two million who entered during Trump’s first term.

Raddatz also stated that voters overwhelmingly trust Trump over Biden when it comes to immigration and border security.

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