Burgum Dares CNN to Ask Biden About Hunter’s Laptop

[Photo Credit: By North Dakota National Guard - https://www.flickr.com/photos/ndguard/31372564424/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=56434744]

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum urged CNN over the weekend to challenge President Joe Biden in this week’s presidential debate over misleading allegations he made in 2020 about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Burgum, who is one of Trump’s potential vice presidential running mates, made the statements during a Sunday interview with Kaitlan Collins on “State of the Union” when asked how crucial he believed it was for Trump to have a “strong performance.”

“Well, I think it’s something that America is very excited to look forward to, and I’m sure it’s going to be a very good debate. But I think, again, there has been a real effort on the Biden team to try to lower expectations. But I think we have to look at the guy’s run for office more than a dozen times. He’s run for president four times. He’s been campaigning since President Nixon was in office.” Burgum said.

Burgum then addressed Hunter Biden’s laptop, which Biden falsely claimed contained “Russian disinformation.”

“I think this is a real opportunity for CNN, most trusted name in news, to ask some tough questions, because this is a rematch. And when we had this debate just before the election four years ago, Joe Biden looked into the camera and said that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a smear campaign, Russian disinformation, called it garbage.” Burgum continued.

“And now we know that none of that is true. And I think this is an opportunity. I think America is waiting. I mean, CNN’s got an opportunity to ask tough questions of both these candidates.” he concluded.

The laptop was eventually utilized as evidence in Hunter Biden’s criminal trial, which resulted in his conviction on multiple weapons offenses.

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