Rep. Mark Green Shreds Biden for New Amnesty Initiative

[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

United States Representative Mark Green (R-TN), Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, called the Biden administration’s latest amnesty “an affront to the rule of law.”

Green’s remarks come after President Joe Biden announced “parole amnesty” for approximately 550,000 illegal immigrants who are married to US citizens and have been residing unlawfully in the nation for at least a decade.

The Tennessee congressman said that the Biden administration’s plan “further legitimizes unlawful entry into our country.”

“By allowing otherwise inadmissible aliens to remain in the country indefinitely through a ‘parole-in-place’ sleight of hand, and to receive generous, taxpayer-funded benefits, this president is sending a loud and clear message to any would-be border crosser that the door is not only wide open — there’s a welcome mat,” Green said.

Those who qualify for the amnesty program will be able to obtain green cards before eventually gaining US citizenship.

Biden’s decision comes just after it was revealed that his administration canceled the asylum cases of approximately 350,000 migrants, a move described by US Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) as a “covert mass amnesty program.”

Biden’s decision to provide legal status to almost half a million illegal immigrants and drop asylum hearings for hundreds of thousands of migrants comes as the Democratic president presided over the most serious illegal immigration crisis in US history.

During the Democrat’s presidential term, authorities documented more than 9.5 million nationwide interactions and an estimated 1.7 million illegal immigration escapes.

Under Biden, the foreign-born population in the United States has risen to an all-time high of 51.6 million, driven mostly by increased illegal immigration.

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