Far-Left Senator Elizabeth Warren Vows to Boycott Upcoming Netanyahu Speech to Congress

[Photo Credit: By Pi.1415926535 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=116804238]

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has now reportedly decided not to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s anticipated speech to a joint gathering of Congress next month.

“Benjamin Netanyahu has created a humanitarian disaster,” Warren declared.

“The United States needs to be using its leverage, including restrictions on arm sales, as a way to advance a push toward peace in the Middle East,” she continued.

“We need a cease-fire, massive humanitarian relief, the return of the hostages, and we’ve gotta have a breakthrough on getting the parties to the negotiating table. Giving more arms to Israel is not pushing in the right direction,” Warren concluded.

She is a member of a tiny number of Senate Democrats who are pressuring President Biden to confront Israel more forcefully on how it is conducting its conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

This organization wants Biden to use his leverage to pressure the Israeli government by delaying the delivery of weaponry and military purchases.

They specifically addressed a military transaction that is scheduled to proceed after prominent Democratic senators backed down this week.

Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) stated that Biden ought to use the suspension of arms sales to put more pressure on Israel to increase the amount of humanitarian aid sent to the Gaza Strip, halt military activities in Rafah, a city in southern Gaza, take action against radical and violent Israeli settlers in the West Bank, and honor agreements made with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah.

Van Hollen stated that he was still undecided about going to Netanyahu’s speech.

In reaction to Hamas’s attack on the nation on October 7, which resulted in more than 1,100 deaths and over 250 captives, the majority of Congress supports Israel’s more than eight-month war to defeat the terrorist organization.

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