Senator Marco Rubio Introduces New Bill to Reveal Depth of Chinese Corruption

[Photo Credit: By Palácio do Planalto -, CC BY 2.0,]

Marco Rubio, a Republican senator from Florida, introduced a measure in the U.S. Senate with the intention of revealing the corruption of the Chinese Communist government and its leadership.

“Confronting CCP Malign Influence Act of 2024,” is the title or Rubio’s measure.

It would require the main intelligence directorate to “prepare and make available a report on the wealth and corrupt activities of the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, and for other purposes.”

“Our nation’s greatest adversary is Communist China and the American people must realize the complex reality a new world order, led by Beijing, would pose. Whether it be through economic, social, or military coercion, we are seeing an increased effort from China to displace our nation as the world’s leading power.” Rubio continued.

The public would have access to the report.

The Director of National Intelligence or their designee would be required to appear before the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate within 180 days of the bill’s enactment to provide testimony in an open hearing regarding the findings.

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