Biden White House Refuses to Rule Out Possibility of Commuting Hunter’s Impending Sentence

[Photo Credit: By U.S. National Archives - The Truman Library Institute Truman Civil Rights Symposium, Public Domain,]

The White House did not exclude the possibility of President Biden commuteing his son Hunter Biden’s sentence on Wednesday, following the guilty verdict on all three offenses related to the purchase of a gun by a jury the previous day.

During a briefing with reporters aboard Air Force One while the president was en route to Italy for the Group of Seven summit later this week, administration officials were confronted with inquiries for the first time since the verdict was rendered.

The president had previously stated that he would not grant his son clemency.

However, following the conviction of the younger Biden on Tuesday, he stated that he would embrace the results of the trial.

However, when pressed about the possibility of commuting a sentence, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declined to answer and instead relied on Biden’s statement to ABC last week that he would not pardon his son.

“I haven’t spoken to the president about this since the verdict came out and as we all know, the sentencing hasn’t even been scheduled yet,” Jean-Pierre remarked.

“He was asked about a pardon, he was asked about the trial specifically and he answered it very clearly, very forthright. As we know, the sentencing hasn’t even been scheduled yet. I don’t have anything beyond what the president said. He’s been very clear about this,” she continued.

Hunter Biden’s sentencing date has not yet been determined; however, it is anticipated to occur approximately one month prior to November’s election.

Hunter Biden is facing charges for falsifying a form regarding his drug addiction while procuring a firearm in 2018.

He is subject to a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison and a $750,000 fine, although first-time offenders rarely receive such penalties.

Tuesday, the White House canceled its press briefing with reporters and the president made an unforeseen journey to Wilmington, Del., hours after the verdict was rendered.

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