Byron Donalds Predicts ‘Millions’ Will Be Deported if Republicans win

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Byron Donalds, CC BY-SA 2.0,]

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) stated over the weekend that the number of unlawful aliens in the United States and border security will undergo significant changes if Republicans assume control of the entire federal government in 2024.

When asked about the promises he could make to the American people about what will change if Republicans rule the tables in November, Donalds made the remarks during a Sunday interview on “Fox News Sunday” with Shannon Bream.

“A couple of things. Trump had the border secured when he was President of the United States. When Joe Biden came in, the first thing he did was rip up the border policy simply because they were put in place by Donald Trump. It was a very stupid decision by Joe Biden. The country has suffered as a result.” Donalds said.

“So now what we are going to do is go back to ending ‘catch-and-release’ and go back to ‘Remain in Mexico.’ We will have to deport millions of people who should not be here because our cities and states simply cannot handle the flow of all these illegal migrants. You have Jordanian people going in trying to breach Quantico under Joe Biden. You saw what happened on the southern border in California, where they were trying to scale the wall in California and get over that wall there.” he continued.

“What President Trump is going to do is put back the policies that kept our country secure, and we will deport millions of people. It needs to be done. Then in Congress, with a policy like H.R. 2, if you have the votes in the House and the Senate, we are going to move large parts of this to become federal law, which gives the president more authority to secure the nation.” Donalds concluded.

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