Tim Scott Calls Out Biden’s Racism

[Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

As the campaign season continues and poll after poll shows that Biden’s presidency has collapsed the traditional Democratic coalition, expect Democrats to do what they always do: just call everyone racist. 

Tim Scott is having none of it.

The Hill writes that a recent ad from the Biden campaign that charged Trump with racism against the Black community really bothered Senator Tim Scott.

“There are two things that are driving black votes back to Donald Trump, jobs and justice. Number one, under Donald Trump, our wages were going up. Right now, fairness is going down,” he continued.

“Donald Trump disrespecting Black folk is nothing new. It’s why Trump stood with violent white supremacists, warned of a bloodbath if he loses the next election, and, if he’s president again, vowed to be a dictator who wants revenge on his enemies,” the narrator said in the ad.

Scott on Sunday sought to discredit Biden’s record with the Black community by pointing to the president’s past controversial remarks.

“But if you’re really concerned about racial justice in America, let’s not forget, Joe Biden is the guy that talked about racial jungles as a result of desegregation,” Scott said, in an apparent reference to a comment made by Biden in 1977 in which he said “orderly” racial integration policies would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” 

“Let’s not forget the fact that Joe Biden is the president who said, if you don’t vote for me, you can’t be black… an old white dude telling me I can’t be black if I don’t vote for him? This is the president who said that…the Republican Party wants to put you back in chains,” he added.

Tim Scott is seen by many as Trump’s vice presidential frontrunner. In March, The Associated Press noted, “The South Carolina senator failed in his own bid for president. But his enthusiastic campaigning for the former president has been generating buzz about Scott’s prospects as Trump’s potential pick for a running mate.

Scott played a starring role in his home state’s Feb. 24 primary election, hyping the crowd about Trump at rallies and in interviews. During a Fox News town hall, Trump, who rarely likes to share the spotlight, taped a segment in which he and Scott appeared together on stage in matching red ties, a visual that made them look like they were already a ticket.

“A lot of people are talking about that gentleman right over there,” Trump told the audience earlier in the program when asked who was on his vice presidential shortlist, pointing to Scott, who was sitting in the front row, smiling wide.

[Read More: Trump Attends Libertarian Convention]