Joe Biden Forgets When He Was VP Again

[David Lienemann, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

There’s a reason Donald Trump suggested that Joe Biden receive a drug test before attending the presidential debate next month. 

During a bizarre speech over the weekend, Joe Biden again appeared to forget when he was vice president of the United States. 

The New York Post reported that Biden seemed to forget himself during a campaign event with the NAACP. He seems to believe that he was serving as vice president when the COVID-19 Pandemic hit the United States.

President Biden declared Sunday that things got “kind of bad” when he was vice president during the COVID-19 pandemic — even though the virus hit more than three years after he left office.

“When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic and what happened wasBarack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit! Help fix it,’” Biden said.

“Well, the poor mayor, he’s spent more time with me than he ever thought he’s gonna have to!” the president added.

It is unclear what event Biden was actually referring to in his remarks, though the then-VP claimed in 2011 the Obama administration had saved America’s auto industry from “the brink of extinction” following the 2008 financial crisis.

The strange speech comes on the heels of which Biden told Morehouse College students that America is against the success of Black men in a desperate attempt to keep them in the Democratic fold as Trump continues his push to win a historic percentage of the African American vote in 2024. 

The former police chief of Detroit, James Craig, recently went after Biden for his failures to help the Motor City, supporting the pet projects of his leftwing, young, white staffers over policies that lift everyone up

“The truth is, we are being left behind by Biden’s economic policies. “Bidenomics,” Biden’s label for his $11 trillion in new federal spending for green jobs and infrastructure, has led to lower real wages. Michigan has dropped five places since 2019 in terms of median household income, a Bridge Michigan analysis found, and according to 2022 U.S. Census data, we’re below the national median household income average. In the Black community, we are feeling that pain at the grocery store and at the gas pump. In fact, a poll from October 2023 found that 80% of Black voters have a negative view of Biden’s economy,” Craig wrote in The Detroit Free Press.

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