Jen Psaki Forced to Edit Book After Making Extremely Misleading Claim About Biden

[Photo Credit: By The White House - P20220309CS-0206, Public Domain,]

MSNBC host Jen Psaki stated that she will now revise future reprints of her book in response to criticism she received for trying to downplay President Biden glancing at his watch during a 2021 ceremony honoring fallen U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.

In her new book, “Say More,” she initially asserted that Biden never examined his watch “during the ceremony.” A statement which is verifiably false.

An Axios report noted that Psaki’s account contradicted photographs and firsthand testimonies from Gold Star families.

According to Psaki, she advised Biden against the insensitivity of discussing his personal experience with his own close family members dying while meeting with bereaved military family members.

Following a fact check of the incident in 2021, USA Today retracted its initial statement that Biden had merely examined his watch after the ceremony had concluded.

USA Today issued a correction after receiving criticism for implying that the Gold Star families who claimed to have observed Biden repeatedly checking his watch during the dignified transfer ceremony had been lying.

In support of her position, Psaki inadvertently referenced sentences from USA Today as opposed to the correct passage from The Washington Post.

Prior to joining MSNBC, Psaki served as Biden’s White House press secretary.

Psaki joined MSNBC following a competitive tendering process between CNN and the left-leaning cable network for her services.

She has maintained a defensive stance regarding her previous contributions to Biden, objecting to comparisons made between her and former Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel during the latter’s limited tenure as an analyst for NBC News.

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