CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Gives Dems Terrible News, Says Biden is on Track for Electoral Doom in November

[Photo Credit: By World Economic Forum from Cologny, Switzerland - Transformations in the Arab World: Fareed ZakariaUploaded by January, CC BY-SA 2.0,]

Fareed Zakaria, an anchor for CNN, reportedly cautioned Democrats about the likelihood that President Joe Biden will prevail over Donald Trump in the November election.

“But trend lines are not working in Biden’s favor. He needs to do something bold and dramatic to seize the initiative on asylum policy, for example, and reverse these numbers. The one that troubles me the most is on the question of who was the more competent.” Zakaria said.

“Joe Biden led Donald Trump by nine points in 2020, but Trump now leads by 16 points in January 2024. That 25 point shift could be a reflection of people’s sense that the president’s age is affecting his capacity to govern, and there’s very little that Joe Biden can do now to change that perception.” he continued.

Some progressive Democrats hold Biden in high regard, according to polls, on account of his support for Israel.

The CNN anchor further elaborated that Biden’s lack of support among Democrats stems from his stance on the economy and the Gaza conflict, whereas Trump’s criminal indictments have brought him together support within the Republican Party.

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