Michael Moore Attacks ‘Boomers’ for Not Supporting Pro-Palestinians Protestors Swarming College Campuses

[Photo Credit: By Andrew McFarlane from USA - Michael Moore, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4005676]

“Fellow boomers” who oppose the dismantling of pro-Palestinian college encampments by law enforcement officers nationwide were singled out by far-left filmmaker Michael Moore in his most recent rant.

Regarding the encampments in New York where law enforcement has repeatedly intervened, Moore published the second segment of a report for his Rumble podcast.

In fact, they infiltrated a Columbia University administrative building that had been commandeered by protesters.

As a voice of opposition to Israel’s airstrikes against Gaza, which have resulted in the loss of life among thousands of civilians, radical demonstrators have begun to demand that their institutions divest entirely from Israeli investments.

In light of apprehensions surrounding continuing allegations of antisemitism, Moore has vehemently defended the protests.

“I don’t understand why fellow boomers are being so snide and snarky about them or, you know, telling them they’re a bunch of idiots and they don’t know what they’re talking about, they don’t understand history. Jeez. What they understand is right and wrong.” Moore said.

“You may not agree with everything they say or do or whatever, but nonetheless they’re not out there to hurt anybody,” he added.

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