Donald Trump Jr. Turns on Speaker Johnson After He Pushes New Dem Backed Bill to Support Ukraine

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Donald Trump, Jr., CC BY-SA 2.0,]

Donald Trump Jr. seems to have formed a new negative opinion of House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

Don Jr. criticized Johnson in a post on X/Twitter on Thursday by presenting a one-minute compilation of the speaker discussing the significance of the House dealing with the southern border.

On Wednesday, Johnson finally yielded to the idea that providing assistance to Ukraine and Israel should not be contingent upon a new border security law.

Consequently, he made the decision to separate the legislation and proceed with a distinct border security bill.

“Enough already! If you ever even begin to start believing anything anyone in Republican leadership tells you just watch this. Pay close attention to those that don’t seem bothered by this. They’re not our friends.” Don Jr. wrote.

The montage used the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme music and consisted of various clips of Johnson emphasizing the significance of border security.

Don Jr. is reiterating the remarks of fellow conservative Republicans who are displeased with Johnson’s choice to isolate the foreign aid package from the border security bill.

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