Trump Moderates As Biden Goes Full Left

[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

As both Donald Trump and Joe Biden prepare for the general election, both are making moves, but only one is trying to broaden his political tent to bring more voters in. 

While Joe Biden bows to his radical base and threatens to abandon one of our closest allies because leftwing activists hate Israel and demand that we stop supplying close allies with weapons in their fight against Hamas, Donald Trump has taken a pragmatic turn on one country’s most controversial issues. 

Biden is considering putting a “label” on some Jewish goods imported from Israel to mark where it came from. 

On Monday morning, CNN writes, the former president and presumptive Republican nominee made an announcement about a national abortion ban. 

“My view is now that we have abortion where everyone wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both. And whatever they decide must be the law of the land. In this case, the law of the state,” Trump said in a video posted to his Truth Social account.

“Many states will be different,” Trump continued. “Many will have a different number of weeks, or some will have more conservative than others, and that’s what they will be. At the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people.”

Trump had previously suggested he could support a 15-week federal ban with exceptions in the cases of incest, rape and when the life of the mother is in danger. However, his ultimate decision to punt the politically fraught issue to the states and not back a national ban was swiftly denounced by a major anti-abortion rights organization, which said his position did not go far enough.

In Monday’s video, Trump said he was “proudly the person responsible” for the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, which he said took the issue “out of the federal hands and brought it into the hearts, minds, and vote of the people in each state.”

While pro-lifers may be disappointed, they will likely have to stick with Trump and fight for their cause at the state level. The New York Times reported, “In a statement Monday morning, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America’s president, Marjorie Dannenfelser, said she was “deeply disappointed” in Mr. Trump’s refusal to endorse a federal ban on abortion, adding that allowing states to decide “cedes the national debate to the Democrats who are working relentlessly to enact legislation mandating abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy.”

“If successful, they will wipe out states’ rights,” she added.

Still, Ms. Dannenfelser said that the group and its grass-roots members will work “tirelessly” to defeat President Biden and Democrats in November.”

The announcement is not surprising. Over the weekend, it was reported that an FBI insider blew the lid off of the Bureau’s recent training under Biden.

Steve Friend claimed that the FBI believes that pro-lifers are more dangerous than terrorists. The Biden administration has been targeting those who oppose abortion, going so far as to spy on Catholic churches and send SWAT teams to pro-life homes. 

[Read More: Biden May Not Make The Ballot In Crucial State]