Federal Judge Rules in Favor of Christian Employers

[Photo Credit: By Jeffrey Beall - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26862017]

The Biden administration is no longer allowed to force Christian companies and healthcare providers to cover the cost of transgender surgery and other procedures, according to a federal judge’s decision in North Dakota on Monday.

The Biden administration’s interpretation of federal discrimination law was contested by the Christian Employers Alliance, which won its case before Judge Daniel Traynor of the United States District Court for the District of North Dakota.

Trump appointee Traynor claimed that Christian organizations were exempt from being required to offer gender transition services due to religious liberty laws.

“Here, CEA’s sincerely held religious belief is that male and female are immutable realities defined by biological sex and that gender reassignment is contrary to Christian Values. As a result, performing or providing health care coverage for gender transition services under the EEOC and HHS coverage mandates impinges upon CEA’s beliefs. CEA must either comply with the EEOC and HHS mandates by violating their sincerely held religious beliefs or else face harsh consequences like paying fines and facing civil liability.” the judge wrote.

The judge rejected the Department of Health and Human Services’ and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s interpretation of the discrimination legislation, which required all employers to provide insurance for transgender operations.

The Equal Employment Opportunity commission’s interpretation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which mandates that employers provide coverage for transgender operations, was the subject of the Christian Employers Alliance’s initial complaint filed in October 2021.

It also contested the Health and Human Services’ discriminatory definition of sex, which expanded to encompass gender identity.

The Christian Employers Alliance and the Alliance Defending Freedom, which spoke for the group, applauded the ruling.

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