New Poll Shows Majority Think Biden’s Policies Don’t Help Middle Class

[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

Few Americans in a new survey say that policies enacted by the Biden administration are assisting the middle class.

While about half of the public credits President Biden with the U.S. economic upturn in a new survey by Monmouth University, many Americans don’t believe his policies are to blame for the boom in the economy.

Twenty-two percent say Biden deserves a great deal of credit for the economy, while 26 percent said he merits some credit.

Fourteen percent say he does not deserve much credit and 36 percent of respondents say Biden does not deserve any credit at all for the state of the economy.

The responses were divided down party lines. Nine out of 10 Democrat respondents gave Biden some credit for the economy while only one in 10 Republicans did the same.

Among middle class families, 16 percent say Biden’s policies have benefitted them a lot, while 33 percent say they have benefitted them a little. Forty-five percent say they have not benefitted them at all and 7 percent aren’t convinced.

More middle class families say Biden’s policies have benefited them a lot, compared to an October 2023 poll, but more respondents also say they haven’t benefitted at all.

The survey was conducted from Feb. 8-12 among 902 adults. The survey has a margin of error of 4.1 percentage points.

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