Nancy Pelosi Admits She Can’t Criticize Biden Over Age Because He’s Younger than She is

[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

On Monday, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) asserted that President Joe Biden is extremely perceptive, adding that she was unable to critique him over he age because he is actually younger than she is.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Pelosi, who will soon turn 84, defended 81-year-old Biden against age-related concerns while exhibiting a number of her own speech gaffes.

“I’ve worked with the president for a long time, especially closely as speaker when he was president, and now since then, and he knows– I mean, he’s always on the ball. Anyone who would think that they’re at some advantage because of his age thinks that at their peril because he’s very sharp.” Pelosi said.

“Well, I think that people do make mistakes. I think his age is one thing, that’s an objective fact. His making mistakes from time to time, we all do that. When the former, ex-president, defeated President Trump made a mistake about one thing or another, he would make the same mistake seven times. It wasn’t a slip of the tongue, it was a complete going down a path of something that wasn’t even true, intentionally or otherwise.” Pelosi said in response to a comment Cooper made about one of Bidens’ recent gaffes.

“So I think that, again, age is an objective fact. As I say, it’s all relative. He’s younger than I am, so what do I have to say about his age? But he is, again, knowledgeable, wise.” she continued.

“Joe Biden has vision, he has knowledge, he has a strategic thinker. This is a very sharp president in terms of his public presentation. If he makes a slip of the tongue here or there, what’s the deal?” she concluded.

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