Pelosi Turns on Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators Outsider Her House, Tells Them to ‘Go Back to China’

[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to anti-Israel demonstrators outside her residence by yelling at one point, “go back to China” and asserting that the protesters’ main office was in China.

Pelosi stated several times that the demonstrators, who were ostensibly urging for a cessation of hostilities in the ongoing conflict between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas in Gaza, ought to “go back to China.”

Pelosi’s remark may have been an allusion to Code Pink, an anti-war demonstration organization whose creator Jodie Evans and her spouse, Shanghai-based technology entrepreneur Neville Roy Singham, have been associated with China, according to multiple sources.

Video captured Pelosi attempting to exit a parked vehicle as she was cornered by demonstrators. Protesters persisted in their demands for an answer from the former House Speaker, claiming that additional Democratic Party members had also issued calls for a ceasefire.

“Go back to China, that’s where your headquarters is.” Pelosi shouted in response.

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