Haley Demands Accountability For Anti-Israel Left

[U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley has spoken out against the rising tide of antisemitism happening across the country and now she’s demanding that American companies stand with her. Earlier in the week, the 2024 candidate, who’s begun surging in the polls, suggested that employers need to put their foot down when it comes to hiring those who support terrorism from Hamas. 

In an interview with FOX News, she proposed that those rallying to support the murder of Israeli citizens be identified so potential employers understand who they’re hiring. 

Haley said that as a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, she knows that most member nations believe Hamas is a terrorist organization, and that she believes the intergovernmental organization is a farce – and that the ideologically corrupt viewpoints expressed are similar to the reason why she wanted America to split from the World Health Organization during COVID, according to Fox News.

“I expected this from the UN, you expect all kinds of ridiculous things at the UN. I fought this battle every day for two years. What I don’t expect is to see what’s happening in our cities and what’s happening on our college campuses, because these protests that we’re seeing,” she told “Hannity.”

“Are you telling me that these professors, these college students, they are supporting a terrorist organization?”

Haley asked whether the Americans who are demonstrating in favor of Hamas or in agreement with Hamas’ massacre of Israeli civilians therefore also want America to be destroyed.

“If they do, every one of them is dangerous to our country… because that’s what Hamas preaches, is ‘death to America’. So when they get up there, and they hold those signs, or they get upset on why people won’t hire them: it’s because companies don’t want to hire someone who wants to destroy our country,” Haley said.

Haley’s idea comes on the heels of Bill Ackman, the billionaire hedge fund manager who is the founder and chief executive officer of Pershing Square, recommending that Harvard students who published a letter in support of the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust be blacklisted. 

Ackman said in a tweet that he had been approached by “a number of CEOs” asking for the names of the student organizations to ensure “none of us inadvertently hire any of their members.”

Jonathan Newman, CEO of salad chain Sweetgreen, reported The New York Post, “was among a group of business honchos who seconded Ackman in urging that the signatories of the letter circulated by a coalition of 34 Harvard student groups that “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” be blocked.

‘I would like to know so I know never to hire these people,’ Newman wrote in response to Ackman’s post on X, formerly Twitter, on Tuesday.

‘Same,” David Duel, CEO of health care services firm EasyHealth, wrote in response to Newman.

The backlash and possible blacklisting has led to a flurry of backpedaling by four of the initial student organizations attached to the inflammatory statement — while board members of other groups have quit in an effort to distance themselves.”

Other signatories of the anti-Israel letter stood defiant, telling The New Yorker, “You can’t fire seven hundred Harvard students. It would be a scandal. That’s a privilege we have.”

Ackman gave a large donation to Chris Christie in September. 

[Read More: CNN Host Goes Off On Colleagues]