
Satantic Temple Loses Major Lawsuit That Tried to Challenge Red State Abortion Ban

[Photo Credit: By Jeffrey Beall - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26862017]

On Wednesday, a federal judge dismissed the case that the Satanic Temple had filed against Indiana’s abortion prohibition. The lawsuit argued that the state should not have a ban on abortions.

Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson stated in her decision that the Satanic Temple does not operate any abortion facilities in the state of Indiana.

However, the judge did not divulge any individual members of the Satanic Temple who are being harmed by the prohibition.

In September 2022, the Satanic Temple filed a lawsuit against the government, claiming that the abortion ban violates the constitutionally protected rights of their members and is unlawful.

In Indiana, the restriction on abortion makes it illegal to terminate a pregnancy at any stage, with a few exceptions including when a woman’s life or health is in grave danger, when there is evidence of rape or incest, or when there is a “lethal fetal abnormality.”

“In sum, the Satanic Temple’s allegations fail to prove it has suffered any injury in fact,” the judge in the case concluded.

Advocates for the sanctity of human life were quick to applaud the judgment as well.

The counsel for the Satanic Temple expressed his dissatisfaction with the verdict in a statement. There is no indication however that the group will file an appeal at this time.

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