REPORT: Blake Masters Planning to Enter Arizona Senate Race

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Kari Lake & Blake Masters, CC BY-SA 2.0,]

According to those familiar with his plans, Republican Blake Masters, who lost his quest for the Arizona Senate last year, is now reportedly poised to declare that he will run again in 2024, adding more unpredictability to what is anticipated to be one of the most tumultuous and tough contests in the nation.

As the party strives to regain control of the Senate, the race for Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s seat is considered as a potential Republican pickup. Sinema, an independent who joins the Democratic caucus, hasn’t declared whether she would seek reelection.

Attempts to reach Masters for comment were unsuccessful.

His anticipated announcement in the upcoming weeks may put him in direct opposition to well-liked fellow Republican Kari Lake, who is considering announcing her own Senate bid this autumn.

Lake, a staunch supporter of Trump, ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2022.

She and Masters participated in gatherings where they emphasized energizing the party’s right flank and extensively emphasized their support for the late President Donald Trump.

If she runs, Lake, who is well-liked by Republican supporters, would be the front-runner for the party’s candidacy.

Republican Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb has already declared his candidacy, but he has had difficulty gaining support and amassing a sizable sum of money.

The contest may develop into a three-way general election battle. Sinema has been planning for a re-election campaign even though she hasn’t declared whether or not she will run.

Since Sinema was elected to the Senate in 2018, Arizona, which was previously a GOP stronghold, has transformed into one of the most competitive states in the nation.

In 2020, President Biden won the state by a margin of slightly over 10,000 votes. Lake was defeated in the 2022 election for governor by about 17,000 votes.

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