Biden Compares Maui Fire that Left Hundreds Dead to Small Flare up he Once had in His Kitchen

[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

Speaking to those affected by the horrific Lahaina fires in Maui this week, President Joe Biden reportedly compared the situation to a little fire that started in his home over two decades ago but was contained to his kitchen.

According to state and municipal officials, the Maui wildfires earlier this month claimed the lives of well over 100 individuals, with over 1,000 still missing, and damaged almost 3,000 structures.

Biden, who at first drew harsh criticism for taking a vacation and appearing to have little interest in the disaster, visited this island on Monday and added to the uproar with his comments.

“I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, what it’s like to lose a home. Years ago — now 15 years ago — I was in Washington doing ‘Meet the Press.’ It was a sunny Sunday, and lightning struck at home on a little lake that’s outside of our home — not a lake, a big pond — and hit a wire and came up underneath our home into the heating ducts — the air conditioning ducts.” Biden said.

“To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ‘67 Corvette, and my cat. But all kidding aside, I watched the firefighters, the way they responded.” he continued.

The fire was reportedly tiny and limited to the kitchen at the time, according to an Associated Press story.

The Associated Press reported at the time, however, that the incident was minor and limited to the kitchen. The issue was brought under control in a couple of minutes, according to the Delaware fire chief, who stated they were at the house promptly.

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