Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren Reportedly Not on Speaking Terms After Brutal Snub

[Photo Credit: By Pi.1415926535 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=116804238]

It has been claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris will reportedly not answer the phone calls of Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, a fellow Democrat, because she fell short of backing her to serve as President Joe Biden’s vice president in 2024 during a recent radio interview.

Elizabeth Warren has reportedly tried to reach Kamala Harris more than once to apologize for her remarks, but the vice president has not answered either of her calls.

During an interview with Boston Public Radio in January, the senator from Massachusetts gave the impression that he was going to refrain from endorsing Harris as Biden’s running mate in 2024.

The radio presenter spoke to Elizabeth Warren about whether or not she thought Kamala Harris should be Joe Biden’s running partner in the event that Biden ran for reelection in 2024.

“I really want to defer to what makes Biden comfortable on his team. I’ve known Kamala for a long time. I like Kamala. I knew her back when she was an attorney general and I was still teaching, and we worked on the housing crisis together, so we go way back. But they need — they have to be a team, and my sense is they are — I don’t mean that by suggesting I think there are any problems. I think they are.” Warren said during the interview.

Following the interview with GBH News, Warren issued a statement in which she reiterated her unwavering support for a Biden-Harris combination.

However, since the interview those close to Harris have confirmed that the Vice-President is furious over Warren’s comments, to the point that the two are no longer on speaking terms.

“But the Warren moment is infuriating many in Harris’ circle: To them, it’s the latest in a long string of snubs to a vice president whom they say has never gotten the respect or support she deserves. Warren’s words sting even more, they say, because they came from a former rival who in 2020 hoped to be picked as Biden’s running mate instead,” CNN reported.

In recent months Democrats have reportedly raised concerns about whether Harris might be a major political liability in 2024 for President Biden, especially in light of her perceived unpopularity with voters.

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