
Former Afghan President Slams Biden Over Withdrawal Disaster

[Photo Credit: By Kremlin.ru, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63480146]

In a recent interview with The Washington Post, former Afghan President Hamid Karzai reportedly criticized the United States and President Joe Biden for a series of actions he claimed left Afghanistan at the mercy of the Taliban.

Karzai was the first elected president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 2004 and served as president of Afghanistan from 2002 to 2014.

Karzai branded Biden’s Afghanistan policy since America’s exit morally unacceptable.

He stated in the October interview, which was published this week, that the administration is further victimizing the Afghan people.

He also stated that the US had a moral obligation to do more to assist Afghanistan due to its many interventions in the nation in previous decades.

Karzai cited Biden’s executive order dividing $7 billion in frozen cash from Afghanistan’s central bank between reconstructing the country and paying legal bills for relatives of 9/11 victims seeking financial recompense from the Taliban. Since the terrorists took control of Kabul last year, the families’ efforts have increased.

“But the big contracts, big corruption, in hundreds of millions of dollars or millions of dollars, was clearly a United States of America thing … Yes, there was corruption, but to blame Afghans or the Afghan government for it, is wrong. We do take responsibility. I would never say there was no corruption. But who was responsible for it? Afghans or our international partners? Mainly our international partners, and they know it,” Karzai said.

“I wanted the United States of America to be an ally of the Afghan people and not to fight a war in our villages. They knew, the Americans, that the sanctuaries were in Pakistan. They told us that repeatedly. And they would bomb Afghan villages. They would come and tell us that Pakistan was training extremists and terrorists. Then, they would go and pay them billions of dollars. When this was repeated and repeated, I had only one conclusion. The conclusion was either the Americans are doing this on purpose. Or that they are extremely naive and out of touch with the realities of this region.” he continued.

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